Legal notice
Website terms of use
Access to, and use of, is subject to compliance with these terms and conditions of use, as well as laws and regulations in force. Consultation of the website entails implicit acceptance that the terms and conditions of use outlined below will be observed. Ethypharm reserves the right, given development of the Internet and applicable law, at any time, and without notice, to change the terms and conditions of use, by adding or removing these terms and conditions or by supplementing them with special terms and conditions, to modify, edit, delete or to remove information appearing on the website.
Access and availability of the site
Ethypharm cannot be deemed liable for any faults that may lead to the temporary or permanent unavailability of the website or the unavailability of technical connections to it, whether (this not being a limitation) due to an Act of God, maintenance procedures, improvements, modifications, or interventions by the hosting service, a network failure, improper computer configuration or use by the user, or any other type of suspension or interruption of availability to the website.
This website contains links to other sites on the Internet. These links are intended to facilitate research and guide users to sites likely to provide additional information. However, due to the volatile nature of the information on the Internet and the fact that Ethypharm cannot control the content of the sites to which a user may be redirected, Ethypharm cannot be held liable for the content of these sites, nor for any direct or indirect damages incurred as a result of use of third-party sites to which the user has access via links on
Site content and responsibilities
The information provided by Ethypharm through this website is provided “as is,” and for information purposes only. Ethypharm endeavours to include reliable, up-to-date, comprehensive, relevant, legitimate and consistent information, consistent with the regulations in force, but cannot give any guarantee in this respect, and declines any responsibility, insofar as authorised by law, in case of errors or omissions in the content of this website.
This website may contain information relating to public health, opinions expressed by experts, and excerpts from press articles. This information may in no circumstances be used to replace the advice of a health specialist, to make a diagnosis or to determine treatment. Moreover, Ethypharm will not be held liable for the content of opinions, or the advice, information or references contained in such opinions, and such advice or references cannot be construed as the opinion or responsibility of Ethypharm.
The user acknowledges that he uses the information on the Ethypharm site or obtained via a hyperlink, under his sole responsibility and undertakes to comply with laws and regulations in force while using it.
Even if Ethypharm is made aware of the fact, it cannot be pursued for any damages, direct or indirect, whatever the causes, origin, nature or consequences resulting, without limitation, (I) from access (or not) to the website, (II) for use of its content on computer equipment belonging to the user (viruses, damage, etc.), (III) for credits given for all or part of the information on this site.
The User agrees to behave in a correct and proper manner, and not comport himself or speak in a manner contrary, in particular, to current regulations and ethical conduct, nor to infringe copyright or cause prejudice to third parties, under pain of being exposed to liability and being excluded from use of the website by Ethypharm.
Intellectual property
This website is a corporate website, operated by Ethypharm. All of its content, including logos, trademarks, domain names, texts, drawings, presentations, illustrations, photographs, slogans, images, videos and any other work integrated into the website, with the exception of public documents, are the exclusive property of Ethypharm or third parties having authorised Ethypharm to use them.
In accordance with Article L122.4 of the Code of Intellectual Property, all representation, reproduction, inclusion, distribution or redistribution, partial or total, is forbidden without prior authorisation from the Ethypharm Communications department. Unauthorised use shall be considered an infringement which may be pursued, inter alia, under Articles L335-2 of the Code.
Authorised uses (for non-commercial purposes and without modification or alteration of the documents reproduced) must contain information relating to the copyright and ownership of Ethypharm (Copyright 2020 – Ethypharm – all rights reserved).
Privacy and protection of personal data
This website has no information-gathering purpose concerning the confidential data of the user. However certain information may be recorded automatically during visits to such as, this list being non-exhaustive, the IP address of the user, the Internet address from which the user is connected, the date and time of the visit and the pages visited, the operating system, the browser software and “cookies” that determine how access is performed, when and in what numbers.
Information and data are collected solely for use in providing the services offered and may not be collected or published without the user’s knowledge. Any personal data submitted as part of a contact initiated by the User will be used for the purpose of responding to the User’s request in the best conditions and according to the Law. However, the User has the option not to provide the requested information, with the understanding that he will not, then, be able to access the requested service, nor complete any forms.
By accessing and using this website and submitting personal data, the User acknowledges, understands, accepts and fully agrees to his responsibilities and commitments, as well as those of Ethypharm.
Ethypharm attaches the greatest importance to respect for privacy and personal data, and therefore undertakes to respect the confidentiality of personal information gathered from Users visiting this website.
According to Law No. 2004-801 of 6 August 2004 (amending Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of 25 May 2018 (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, the User has the right to access, modify, rectify and delete personal data. To do this, the User should send a request, either by post or by electronic mail, to the attention of the Data Protection Officer (DPO) at the address listed below:
By post: ETHYPHARM – Communication Department – 194 Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint Cloud Cedex
The User may also lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority in its state of habitual residence, place of work or the place of our registered office.
The website and its contents are subject to French Law. In case of dispute, only the French courts have jurisdiction.
Owner and/or site editor
Capital: 1,326,566.52 €
SIREN: B311999833 (NANTERRE)
APE Code 2120 Z
VAT number: FR 48311999833 Rate: 20%
Address: 194 Bureaux de la Colline, 92213 Saint-Cloud Cedex, France
Phone: +33 (0) 1 41 12 17 20
Publishing Director and Managing Editor: ETHYPHARM Communication Department
Code of ethics and good conduct
Learn more about company’s dedication to achieving high standards of integrity, training, professional skills and respecting national and international regulations.
Code of ethics and good conduct
Site hosting
9 Place de la Libération, 26110 Nyons. France
Updated: November 2020